
Showing posts from January, 2019

Three Rules of Willpower:

Three Rules of Willpower: 1. Willpower is a finite resource Science has shown that willpower is strongest early in the day and wanes as the day goes on. 2. Willpower is a “muscle” which can be strengthened Science has also shown that willpower acts like a muscle and can be strengthened with “exercise.” 3. Willpower is subject to your environment Structure your environment in a way that eliminates the need for willpower. For more details, Read " The 3 Rules of Willpower (and How to Make Them Work for You) "

Gratitude Can Change Destiny

Gratitude Can Change Destiny There was a small bird living in a desert. With no sign of greenery the bird use to hop around on the hot sand through the day. An angel while on his way to God saw the little bird and felt pity. He went and asked “O little bird! What are you doing in this hot desert? Can I do something for you?” The little bird said, “I am very pleased with my life, but this heat is unbearable. Both my feet are getting burnt. Only if there was a tree here, I’d be delighted”. Angel said, “Growing a tree in the middle of desert is beyond my scope. I am to going meet God, let me speak to him and ask if he could fulfill your desire”. Angel asked God, if he could help the bird. God said, “I could grow a tree, but her destiny doesn’t allow it. And I can’t change that. However, you can give her my message, which will help her survive the heat. Ask her to hop with one foot at a time. That ways she can rest the other one for a while and change foot often. This way onl